Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Checked Out of Hansa

I am home now from the Hansa and had a pretty good few days. The flight home was good and Memorial Day weekend was good. Well, fairly good. I don't usually say that.

On my last day at Hansa, I met with my doc and he gave me a hug! I thanked him for everything and told him I was so glad he was my doctor. He tested for unhealthy genes and other things. I did all my regular therapies, and then had a checkout appointment with the front desk where I went over all my medicine bottles, how long I'll have to take them, and what bottles will need to be shipped. I have 20+ bottles and I love how they came with instructions about how long I need to take each. It seems like a 45-90 day program of remedies. I love that it's not like, "Here, good luck taking these the rest of your life while trying to figure out how to pay for them". It wasn't like that at all.

I'm instructed to return to Hansa sometime this Fall depending on how well I'm doing. It sounds like it will be about $5,000 for 5 days next time. Yes, $1,000 a day. Brutal.

I hugged all my friends I made at Hansa, too, and will try to keep in touch with them. You really bond with the people who are there the same weeks that you are. It was nice to be able to relate to everybody.

I am not doing as well today. Really shaky. I actually didn't take my medicine all weekend. I am starting them today and won't take any more days off until it's time to start taking one day off a week. I'm supposed to continue using my sauna 4x a week. I need 20min of sunlight per day and 20min of exercise. So basically I need to walk outside 20min a day. I definitely did that over the weekend.

I've been sleeping extra deep and noticed (maybe from Brainwave) that I wasn't really as afraid of heights in the mountains like I usually am. I also wasn't as afraid of turbulence during the flight home like I usually am.

So, I'll be spending my summer taking all my 20+ remedies twice a day, detoxing, and getting outside as often as I can. I'm gonna try to eat less, too, because my stomach seems to do better, as well as my breathing, when I eat VERY light.

I have a headache today. I'm shaking and dizzy. I am trying to decide whether or not I should return to NUCCA treatments. My doc also suggested I do cranial sacral therapy twice a month. I need to find someone good and local.

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