Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hansa Days 3 & 4

Yesterday my doc did a presentation on bug bites during lunch. It should be on YouTube somewhere. It's called "Surviving Summer". It was really good. It was actually beautiful weather yesterday so I spent some time outside enjoying the scenery. I had a moment of breathing well while I was out there but it didn't last long. I got some new tinctures and did the same therapies as the previous day.

Today my doc found things I never even told him about. He found my floating rib, my bulging L5, and told me that the kind of injury I have in my SI joint can actually cause Dysautonomia. There's something going on with my cerebral spinal fluid, too. I don't have CSF insufficiency like I suspected, but that is a good thing! He worked on my sacrotuberois ligament and had me lift my legs. Then he worked on the base of my skull, after which I had VERY strange tingly sensation on my scalp but it went away. I love how he addresses EVERYTHING! He validates so much of my research and explains everything so perfectly. It's been so enlightening to work with him and I'm so glad they have patients see their doctors every day for an hour for two weeks. It's just brilliant.

Today, I did the Bemer therapy, had electrolytes, green juice, lymph massage, oxygen frequency therapy on my sternum, light therapy on my liver and spleen, another Bemer, and far infrared sauna. 

I still have some new focus from brainwave but it kinda comes and goes. My pain was worse today but the weather was bad. I didn't sleep very well or very long either. 

I look forward to tomorrow. 

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