Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Summer Update

Well, I had a decent month and a half of summer. I really did. I was doing okay. Not good, but okay. I'm fine with only ever being okay, too. It's livable.

The positive effects I got from Hansa have since worn off and I'm not sure I can afford to go back. I finished all my supplements and then I kinda came crashing down again. I don't think necessarily from Lyme Disease, but from all the ailments that I have along with it.

A lot has gone on since I came back from Hansa because I'm still exploring other avenues:

I did a cranial sacral therapy session and it felt like it messed me up so bad I wanted to jump out of my skin. I recovered and had some decent weeks.

End of June brain fog started to return

Lymph nodes started to get hard (did an ionic foot bath and they softened up)

The full moon made me feel like a psychopath

Juiced too much and had horrible detox reaction that threw my body off so bad

Had an MRI of my neck with contrast which was really traumatizing

Brain fog got worse and depression started to set in. Neck also started to seize.

First of July I went to get results from my biological dentist. He said I have TMJ, bowling ball syndrome, my atlas is off, I probably have cavitations 'cause I have low bone density where my wisdom teeth used to be, my adrenals suck since my blood pressure sucks, my liver sucks, etc

My neck seized up for almost a week straight, but I was able to gently swim and do okay

Benign Positional Vertigo returned with a vengeance

I believe I have Roemheld Syndrome which is my hiatal hernia irritating my vagus nerve and making my heart skip beats, which caused adrenaline surges and throws me off BAD. I think my hiatal hernia came from the SI belt I wore when I first hurt my pelvis. I accept death sometimes during these episodes.

Starting to lose strength in limbs, periods make symptoms worse, depression getting worse

Cortisol started dumping again upon waking. I did NOT miss that symptom! It returned.

POTS/Dysautonomia symptoms returned very bad

Finished all my Hansa supplements the first of August and progressively got worse

Had a deep tissue neck massage that caused vertigo for two whole weeks or longer and I started having more stomach issues and some panic over symptoms

Silent migraine symptoms and stumbling around like I'm drunk

Started having freaky sensations while lying down at night that make me cry

Heart rate jumps 50-70 BPM upon standing

Shake and feel so weird when eating and drinking

Ferritin tanked to 7 and Iron saturation tanked to 14

Saw a neurosurgeon about my neck, he said nothing was wrong except minor disc bulges

Possibly experiencing postprandial hypotension

Mid August have come down with a small cold, strange RLS type weakness in limbs

Full moon is upon me now


So here is the plan going forward

I currently take lots of supplements of my choice and eating perfectly and it's not helping

I need to try being in my infrared sauna more to see if that helps

I am set to see an Internist to explain all of this nonsense who will hopefully send me to an autonomic dysfunction specialist to do tests to see what the heck is up with my POTS

I need to start therapy for bowling ball syndrome/tmj

I want to continue NUCCA but not sure

I'm supposed to see a PT about my TMJ but we'll see

I want to keep doing massage but I NEED TO DETOX 'cause I'm so darn sensitive to it


I would like to go back to Hansa but I don't think we could until next year due to finances. I know I was doing okay for a month and a half afterword and the brainwave therapy really did get me out of fight or flight but it didn't last and was useless against everything else I have going on.


  1. Hey there! Same stuff here sadly. Did your symptoms improve since?

    1. Hi! I got a LOT better. Travelled a lot. Had a couple visits back to Hansa. Had a great pregnancy and healthy baby in 2019. Im back in a horrible flare right now for the first time in a LONG time ‘cause I took some antibiotics. So I’m back treating again.
