Sunday, November 22, 2015

My Detox Remedies

I always hear that if you're going to HELP your body kill Lyme bacteria, then you have to HELP your body detox the mess it leaves behind. Here is what I am currently doing to detox.

Charcoal is said to adhere to the nasty endotoxins that the Lyme bacteria releases when it dies. These toxins are what makes a herx so miserable. People also use this when detoxing from heavy drug use.

This acts as a binder in the intestines, and helps carry out any toxins trying to pass through them. 

These are said to be controversial but I unexpectedly feel better after using them. They supposedly draw out toxins from the feet. I use pink himalayan sea salt in the water with it. I do this twice a week. I notice I feel worse when I DON'T do them after Lyme-killing treatments, too.

Ginger, Lemon, Kale, Spinach, Celery, Cucumber, Green Apples, Etc

Not only are saunas good for pain, mood, and circulation, but they help you sweat out toxins. Be sure to drink plenty of water before, during, and after a session. I also like to do a hot/cold shower after, and replace lost electrolytes. I try to do this every other day.

This helps stimulate your lymphatic system, and is great to do before epsom salt baths or before getting into the sauna.

Whether you're using fresh lemons or lemon essential oils, they are a great for your liver and stomach. It's best to drink it with a straw so it doesn't affect your teeth. 

This negatively charged mineral acts like a magnet. It attracts harmful, positively charged metals to itself, traps them, and carries them out of the body. Great for heavy metals. What I take is powder in a capsule, but there are also sprays and liquids.

As always, we are all so different. Lyme and treatments for Lyme affect all of us so differently. I'm not a doctor, so please check with yours if you're interested in trying any of these remedies. 

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