Sunday, November 15, 2015

My Lyme Pain Remedies

Since I've been herxing so badly this week, I've been having to use a lot of things to help with my pain. Usually it's tolerable, but lately I've been doing and taking any and all natural remedies I can get my hands on. Here's a list of what I personally* use. 

Minagin is probably my favorite remedy. Back when I injured my SI joint two years ago (which still hasn't healed), this was the only thing that would help with the pain! I've been putting it on my neck, and lower back. It also REALLY takes away swelling. You can order it at It seems to help with the pains that nothing else would help with. This is a pretty special salve, and I'm so grateful to the beautiful people who created it. 

I have found that over the counter "pain relievers" and prescription drugs really didn't do anything for me. My current doctor has me on this supplement, which I have just started to take. So far, so good. 

I'm sure a lot of people know about Deep Blue. I have a lot of doTERRA oils, and I'm thankful for this one.

This stuff just seems to calm my whole body down in general. It's great for anxiety, pain, etc. It has some side effects if you take too much, though. 

I have an infrared belt that came with my foot detox machine. I put it around my shoulders when my upper back hurts, and around my hips when my SI joints hurts. 

I heat my rice bag up a lot. This is a cute one I found on Etsy. Moist heat is good, so these things are perfect for pain. They have brought me a lot of comfort, too. 

I know not everyone with Lyme has SI Joint Dysfunction, but for those that do, this SI Belt is a must.

Infrared Saunas are magic for widespread pain. The first few times I sat in one, I literally walked out confused. I was not expecting such a reduction in pain. I have a portable one I bought for a couple hundred bucks, which gets me by, but the big expensive cedar ones seem to work much better.

I have a good memory foam mattress that I really think helps my pain. My ligaments are so infested with bugs that they do a really crummy job of holding my joints together. Memory foam makes me feel secure and supported so I don't wake up feeling tangled in my own bones.

I know good chiropractors are few and far between, especially those who believe in Lyme. But if you can find yourself a good one, it could be really beneficial. I honestly believe I would not be walking if it weren't for mine. I go to her maybe 4 times a month. It used to be more, but I've made progress. 

*Because we are all so different, and this disease affects us all so differently, check with your doc if you want to try any of the above. 

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