A friend heard of my symptoms and recommended I go see her NUCCA Chiropractor. She says it's a very different, specific kind of chiropractic work for structural/nervous system issues that deals mainly with the base of the skull. So, an upper cervical chiropractor.
So, I went today and I explained to the doc about the last two and a half years of my life that basically crumbled to pieces after injuring my sacrotuberous ligament on vacation. I told him I'd seen 30 doctors, taken hundreds of supplements, treated Lyme disease naturally and aggressively for an entire year, and still struggle with Dysautonomia and alignment issues. He said he thinks he can help.
So, we do X-Rays and he finds my atlas, which is basically between your spine and your skull, is totally off, and one part of my neck is 9 degrees off. He said of the four levels of severity of this condition, mine is the worst. He said most new NUCCA chiropractors would be "biting their nails" at the site of this, but he'd been doing it for a decade and was not worried. He put me on a weird scale which showed most of my body weight was distributed to my left side, and that there was a LOT of compensating going on. He said my right leg appeared an inch shorter, my arms hung differently, etc. I don't think I knocked my neck out of place, and I don't think I was born with this condition, but rather my SI joints have been so all over the place, it was affecting my neck? I wish I was better at understanding and describing this.
So, I laid down on this weird, short chiropractic table on my left side and he pushed around my right ear, and then took more X-Rays, and we saw some stuff moved back well. However, the part that was 9 degrees off only moved back 1 degree. Wow I'm not good at explaining this. So, we did one more adjustment and sent me on my way. I'll be back next week.
I think I plan on doing this for all of April until I go to Kansas. It's strange to do something I'm not familiar with, and I'm so used to my regular, beloved chiropractor so it's different to have someone else work on me. I figure why not continue and give this a chance, though. I'm not well, and this isn't an avenue I've pursued. Plus, it makes sense to me. The chiropractor is very nice and seems to be very knowledgable and honest, so we'll see what this brings. I guess I don't feel any different so far except for maybe a little vagus nerve irritation, grogginess, and I actually did take a little nap when I got home. It's hard to know with this horrible weather, and I think my iron might be a little low.
We'll see. I'm always grateful for new avenues.