Saturday, February 25, 2017


As I look back and read my blog I clearly did not talk about or appreciate enough what The West Clinic AND The Hansa Center did for me. West Clinic got me 30% better and Hansa got me another 30% better. I did have a little flare mid summer after Hansa but I ended up getting a little job that September! I was functioning at 60% health! I really was. Leftover stomach, neck and POTS stuff but I could manage life. I think I was getting better so slowly and wasn't understanding my symptoms enough to realize I was making improvement. I honestly believe with everything in me that my Lyme went into remission over Summer and Fall. Clearly I didn't need to write in here for a while because I felt Lyme was behind me. Unfortunately it took RELAPSE for me to realize how much better I was actually doing!

So, I caught some sort of flu bug of death this past November and I FELT my Lyme WAKE UP! I had a good devastating cry and then went to the West Clinic. My blood looked perfectly interestingly enough but I had a couple IVs anyway and everything flared even worse! So I went back to the Hansa Center about 4 weeks ago and stayed for 5 days. Unfortunately it made me feel so much worse and I am KICKING MYSELF! I should have returned 4 months after I left the first time like they told me to. It is completely my fault. The staff and my doctor there are so smart and amazing and gave me such good boost but I did not listen to them about coming back. Well I did, I just ran out of money and didn't understand the importance of it until now. My friends who DID return to Hansa when they were supposed to are doing great on their 3rd and 4th visits now! And I think maybe 'cause I didn't have a bunch of IVs before I went and went so long between visits I just completely screwed myself over. Not that I've heard of anyone else getting IVs before they went, I am just thinking that's what may have worked for me particularly.

So, now that I have experienced the vivid contrast of remission and relapse, my plan is to spend this spring going to The West Clinic and go to The Hansa Center in June. Hopefully this will set me up for another good summer I HOPE!

Oh, and also set me up to be in enough credit card debt to last two lifetimes.

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