Friday, March 24, 2017


So, yesterday I went to an Autonomic Neurologist and had some testing done. It was like a torture chamber. I was strapped to a tilt table bed thing and had burning searing horrible electrode thingies placed on me to test my sweat. Then I had to basically make myself hyperventilate and almost pass out trying to blow into a thing to test my lungs with a super tight strap around my ribs (I'm now very sore from it). They monitored my vitals the whole time and then stood me up on the table to see what my heart and blood pressure would do. Then I explained all my psycho symptoms to one of the doctors and all he seemed to know anything about were migraines and seizures. Then the main doc came in and told me all my tests were normal except I do have postural tachycardia. Yeah, I already knew that. So now she is referring me to a neuro GI and also wants to do a 48hr heart monitor and a gastro seizure test. She also sent me for some blood work to test my ferritin, TSH, and also tested for autoimmune diseases like EDS, and also tested me for vasculitis.

Today I am trying to do everything I can for my stomach. I think I'm having an esophagitis flare or something. I've taken tea with marshmallow, licorice root, etc, and a capsule that has goldenseal, aloe vera, charcoal, etc in it. I also rubbed doTERRA DigestZen on my tummy and took some anti-histamine capsules. I've been drinking electrolyte water and have been eating super bland foods, too.

I feel some sort of Lyme flare happening. I've also been having trouble sleeping due to severe neurological sensations and pseudo dyspnea. Just keep swimming I guess...